Survival guide for the hunting or fishing widow, and how to deal with your husband's obsession

Welcome fellow widows of hunters, fisherman and other outdoor enthusiasts.

Feel free to post your own comments, tips, advice and stories!

Monday, May 10, 2010

What I would like to see -- a beauty spa in the middle of hunting camp

I thought of a great idea for a new business -- a ladies' spa near hunting camp. I think it would go over well with all the hunting widows of the world, and possibly save lots of arguments that start with the wife asking her husband, "Are you going out to the hunting camp AGAIN?"

Now, maybe there already are spas like this. My husband hunts public land in Florida and it's usually in the middle of nowhere. The most I can hope for is a decent restaurant.

But wouldn't it be cool to have a place to go near the hunting camp to get a massage and a facial or just a relaxing soak in the pool? Of course, I would want this place to be exclusive to women -- who wants the place to reek of stinky hunters? The wives and girlfriends could go to this hunting widows' retreat to get away from it all and maybe to meet their hunters in camp for dinner.

It's a win-win solution. Wives wouldn't feel left out because they would go with the hunter on his hunting camps. Husbands wouldn't feel guilty leaving their wives all alone.

And, of course, the place would need a day-care and children's camp.

What do you think? Is there such a place that I don't know about? And would you go to such a place?


  1. I can't say that I've ever seen a spa near a hunting camp, so it amazes me that no one has ever tried it. You'd think it would really be popular. I'm not a spa sort of person, just because I've always been too preoccuppied with kids and grandchildren. The hunting/fishing boyfriend only came along about 9 years ago when my children were almost grown, so I raised them myself. Know I would have loved a spa treatment, however, if it had been available. Now I'm so old, I figure, what's the point. I try to keep myself in shape, by working out, and (loading firewood, see comment on Mother's Day blog) but there just doesn't seem much point when the skin doesn't fit your body anymore. I know many of our younger friends would love that spa idea. Probably more popular in the Florida area however. Spas up here are only for the extravagantly wealthy. (We're not, obviously, we heat our house with firewood that we cut ourselves) Some of our younger friends have in-laws that have retirement homes in Florida. Course when they go to visit, I don't think they do any hunting. Fishing maybe, but it's usually like a charter thing. When is wild boar hunting season by the way? Sounds interesting, but a little dangerous, maybe? My boyfriend is going bear hunting in Minnesota in September.

  2. BEAR hunting???? Oh wow, talk about dangerous-sounding! Better not tell my husband about that, he'll want to go for sure.

    Hog hunting begins in August or September with archery hunts, then continues through January off and on, depending on where you hunt.

    As far as being dangerous, my husband has told me a few stories. And see an earlier posting regarding my almost encounter with a wild hog while pregnant. I think I was more afraid of it just based on his stories.

    I've never been to a spa myself, just had a couple of massages from a gift certificate my husband gave me for Christmas and my birthday once. Way too expensive for me. But I would have to make an exception if there was one out by the hunting camp. I'd consider it "poetic justice." I'm surprised no one has done it yet, maybe I just don't know about it.
