Survival guide for the hunting or fishing widow, and how to deal with your husband's obsession

Welcome fellow widows of hunters, fisherman and other outdoor enthusiasts.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day should be in effect all weekend. That means no fishing or hunting, right?

Is it too much to ask to give me two hours of "alone time" for Mother's Day?

Or, if it is, then I'd like a family trip somewhere without feeling as if I'm dragging them to their execution.

And I think Mother's Day should be celebrated on Saturday AND Sunday. That means no sneaking off "to the store" when I can see the fishing pole in the back of your truck. Or giving me a guilt trip because a buddy has to work Saturday, but he has the whole day off Sunday. "Oh, but it's Mother's Day, so I told him I couldn't go. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh."

I don't want flowers. Or candy. Or even to go to dinner. I just want a day when I can watch the movies I want by myself. Or read my trashy novel. Or just go to the mall by myself without having to hear "Mom" or "Honey?"

 Is that too much to ask?

My second choice would be to go to a park or an antique store, zoo or museum for the day with my family and, just once, not have to be the one to play the mindless car games, hold the child's hand in the parking lot and bathroom monitor (oh, to go to the bathroom alone!)

And no, going to the beach with your family when one of them has a fishing pole and tackle box is not my idea of celebrating Mother's Day. It just means more work for me. Better idea -- I'll stay home.

Don't get me wrong. I love my family dearly. It's just sometimes I need a break. And some time to myself.


  1. Not unreasonable at all. Up here in Wisconsin, the fishermen and hunters can't wait to get their little progeny out on the lake or in the woods. I know many of my boyfriend's friends who took their sons as well as their daughters along hunting and fishing when they were barely out of diapers. My boyfriend raised his son all by himself and his son went with him everywhere. My granddaughter wasn't even a year old and he had her out with him ice fishing. It's a great experience for the children and the best way for father's to bond with their kids, besides giving mom some free time. I don't know what the laws are in Florida, but here in Wisconsin, kids don't need a license to fish until they are 16, but they are allowed to put out three poles and they're also allowed to catch the same legal limit. That's why Wisconsin Dad's can't wait to put a pole in their hand. They can keep more fish. I posted this earlier, I got an A on that paper. And you did help me with it. I quoted one of your blogs. I tried to copy and paste the paper in this comment, but its too long.

  2. Glad I could help you! Congrats on the A! Feel free to send a link if you have the paper online somewhere. I'd like to read it.

    I should update this post -- I did have a nice Mother's Day. We ended up at the mall, but my husband did bathroom duty.
    And I can't really complain too much -- my husband takes our son out fishing often. He often takes the day off if our son is out of school and they go fishing or just to the beach. He wants to take him in the woods, but I think our son is too young. Ironically, my son doesn't like venison or hog meat. If he had his way, he'd be a vegetarian. Go figure. But that's another blog post.
    I hope you keep reading, even if you're done with the paper. :)

  3. A link to post online? You can do that? Sorry, I'm a 48 year old dislocated worker, going back to school after 30 years, mother of 4 - 20 something year old children, grandmother of 6, stepgrandmother of 2, and severely technologically challenged. Still haven't figured out how to send a text message yet. I'm just getting used to using the internet. Amazed myself that I managed to figure out how to sign up for email and post on a blog. I was permanently laid off from my job last year where I worked for 12 years on a powder coating line. Very dirty job. And as a result, I have biceps like a man, from lifting all that heavy steel onto and off of a conveyor line. Despite my almost manly physique, I never really got into the hunting and fishing thing with my boyfriend. However, besides being a hunter and fisherman, he also enjoys, 4 wheeling (which I love), motorcycling ( he just bought a new Harley last year; love riding as a passenger, but no plans to buy my own bike), and cutting firewood for his outdoor woodstove. My boyfriend has an uncanny resemblance to "Paul Bunyan." We cut firewood together all year round, not only for his woodstove, but his dad's, his brother's, his nephew's, his brother-in-law's . . . I can put some men to shame when it comes to loading firewood. I can keep up loading to 3 men cutting with the chainsaw.

  4. Wow! You are my heroine. I'm too much of a girlie-girl. But I've learned to set up a tent really quickly, comes from years of helping my husband set up hunting camps with a tent.
    I've tried to help when he trims the trees -- that would have really been a benefit after the 2004 hurricanes when we lost about 10 trees including a giant oak tree that landed on our house. But now I also have developed an allergy to poison ivy, so I can't help with tree cutting just in case.

    As far as posting your paper online, maybe that's not possible. I'm in my 40s also, so I'm not so technologically advanced either. I wonder if you could email it to me?
